![]() seriously this should be crazy. costumes . dance party. and being lost in the forest. and music. 5$ october 28th. byob 1551 winder #208 eastern market detroit. last time forum |
diskore http://www.darkmattersoundsystem.com/news.htm
he will break your favorite records apart in to very small pieces. then put them back together in ways that never seemed possibe. really slutmachine http://www.myspace.com/slutmachine bringing the doom filled industrial beats. luasa raelon http://www.iheartnoise.com/luasaraelon/ frozen nightmare soundscapes. dead lines ? adjust http://www.lowres.com/V4/ a rare detroit appearance! blaerg http://www.myspace.com/blaerg music beyond percision nemeton http://www.darkmattersoundsystem.com/news.htm a book of darkmatter ideas set to sound systemofadon http://www.myspace.com/systemofadon 100% dune free! ok thats not a promise aaron dilloway http://www.hansonrecords.net/ first from the gut appearance! he will more then likely destroy you! dj greh i guess we are flying him in aversion http://www.modeofproof.com/ he knows the score. split horizon. http://www.fromthegut.org/void/ actual detroit techno really. |