Void Tactical Media on Tour in Europe!

Void + Darkmatter in the Bay

Presenting: x24 Nov 24th SFBAY
Opening a new chapter for Void Tactical Media, we are very excited this autumn to invite all west coast friends and allies to our first large scale event in the San Francisco Bay. After 7 years of activity in and around Detroit, it iss time to bring our approach to new horizons. Joining us as we expand West are Vasculator (Pittsburgh, PA), Additiv (Berlin), Diskore (L.A.), and Xanopticon (Pittsburgh) with support from Split Horizon (now local!), Dimentia (Katabatik) and Intoner (Bass Contortion). We are leaving our underground location for this even undisclosed for the time being, so be sure to check the web frequently for updates, as well more artist info soon. We promise to bring it at extent like we have for years in Detroit, full scale transformed space combined with broken bass and distorted electro - our style.
AND x24 Detroit - Dec 31st Detroit
After x24 at extent, we bounce it back to core for a solid New Years Eve party in Detroit. RMS, stalwart contributor to Katabatik Soundsystem, will be joining up with us as Additiv, Vasculator, Xanopticon, and Split Horizon all flow through as well. Local support from Killx8 and Redrot rounds out the night for a triumphant dawning of our next year. Location is the Eastern Market, the original turf. Full scale as always, with solid sound, x24 continues out tradition of community grounded, cutting edge events. Come check out where we are headed, it is looking awesome…
Opening a new chapter for Void Tactical Media, we are very excited this autumn to invite all west coast friends and allies to our first large scale event in the San Francisco Bay. After 7 years of activity in and around Detroit, it iss time to bring our approach to new horizons. Joining us as we expand West are Vasculator (Pittsburgh, PA), Additiv (Berlin), Diskore (L.A.), and Xanopticon (Pittsburgh) with support from Split Horizon (now local!), Dimentia (Katabatik) and Intoner (Bass Contortion). We are leaving our underground location for this even undisclosed for the time being, so be sure to check the web frequently for updates, as well more artist info soon. We promise to bring it at extent like we have for years in Detroit, full scale transformed space combined with broken bass and distorted electro - our style.
AND x24 Detroit - Dec 31st Detroit
After x24 at extent, we bounce it back to core for a solid New Years Eve party in Detroit. RMS, stalwart contributor to Katabatik Soundsystem, will be joining up with us as Additiv, Vasculator, Xanopticon, and Split Horizon all flow through as well. Local support from Killx8 and Redrot rounds out the night for a triumphant dawning of our next year. Location is the Eastern Market, the original turf. Full scale as always, with solid sound, x24 continues out tradition of community grounded, cutting edge events. Come check out where we are headed, it is looking awesome…

One night ONLY: transformed space, art, sculpture, and sound. Detroit based creative collective From the Gut presents Saturation, a Full Scale Transformed Space in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Bridging sculpture, flatwork, technology and situational ambiance, Saturation celebrates the Summer Solstice through the theme of Energy Collectors.

March 27th, Void Tactical Media presents Deep Core. http://void.fromthegut.org for details

Let's celebrate Yule together!

Breakcore Pancakes 6!

Void Soundsystem this time at atwater brewery. Good beats and good beer

Squall Podcast has new design and new episodes are up!

Threshold Experience at Izzy\'s Raw Art Gallery. Full scale transformed space event, the crew picks the total experience back up where we left it a few years back.

New Website for Void +++ June 27th at Izzy\'s Raw Art Gallery, transformed space event from From the Gut / Void

Heavy bass party going down!

DIY Solar Panel built at Breakcore Pancakes.

Breakcore Pancakes #3

Masks from Halloween / Sam Hain 2008

Breakcore Pancakes #2

Snake Pillage and Reject Records present Vasculator, In Broken Key and friends!

Oct. 4th we continue our exploration of hybrid soundsystem shows. This will be a good one

One of 2 Kick Ass parties we are involved with in Madison, Wisconsin over Labor Day weekend. Come out and rock with us..

Blast Effort - probably the LAST show at the From the Gut Space! Endgame days...

Massive Support May 24th.

Opposition Party 3 May 25th

Xrin arms tour with local support. This show is gonna be badass. Watch out for this monday..

Seattle Vs. Detroit, Industrial style. Check it

Part 1 of our winter music fest. c64, slutmachine, and the from the gut team bring you some hard core shit.

Getting down at Repossessed 2005

From the gut live 2003, Low Key. Live setup for this one.. 3 shitty desktop computers + fatman synth + 4 track + guitar effects processor.

We Will Eat You 2006 Anti-Festival!

Your Life as A Question of Broken Promises: experimental event, 2004 - collaboration with Upside Down Culture Collective

Darkmatter Soundystem party 2005

Selector Catalouge of Reject Records at "Reject Records Live in Detroit".

Collage party flier from long ago...

Remerge was an intentional series of experimental events, both in terms of the music and the format of the parties themselves. A more detailed rundown will be available soon.. Can you say 10 minute dj set?

The creature!

VOID TACTICAL MEDIA home of split horizon and friends

Late 2003, our first attempt at an industrial noise dance party.

Halloween easter egg hunt!

From the Gut is based in Detroit, MI, USA